For consortium members


We have answers to all of your questions.

What is a psychotic disorder?

A psychotic disorder is a mental health condition where a person’s thoughts, emotions, and perceptions become significantly distorted from reality. People with psychotic disorders may experience things like hallucinations, where they see or hear things that others can’t, and delusions, which are false beliefs that are strongly held despite evidence to the contrary. It can make it challenging for them to distinguish between what’s real and what’s not. These disorders can be quite serious and often require treatment, such as therapy and medication, to help manage symptoms and improve a person’s quality of life.

What is a psychotic relapse?

A psychotic relapse is when someone who has a psychotic disorder, like schizophrenia, experiences a return or worsening of their symptoms after a period of improvement or stability. It’s like a setback in their mental health. During a relapse, the person may start having hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there) or delusions (strongly believing false ideas) again, and their thoughts and emotions can become disorganised or confused. It’s a challenging and distressing situation, and it often requires prompt intervention and treatment to help the person get back on track with their mental health.

How many people suffer from psychotic disorders worldwide?

The prevalence of psychotic disorders worldwide can vary depending on factors such as geographical location, access to healthcare, and how these disorders are diagnosed and reported. However, it’s estimated that around 3 in every 100 people will experience a psychotic disorder at some point in their lives. This includes conditions like schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.

What are the probabilities of relapse in psychotic disorders?

Psychotic disorder patients have 80% chances of relapsing which puts them at enormous health and safety risks.

How can the TRUSTING project help patients with psychotic disorders?

TRUSTING is helping patients by developing a user-friendly, trustworthy application that can predict a psychotic relapse before it happens